Thank you for your willingness to volunteer. Please read the following question-and-answer section before you proceed.
What am I volunteering for? Thank you for volunteering for the Preston Area Community Shelves which is part of the newly formed Preston Area Food Network. You are making a big difference in someone’s life. Together we are “Community Nourishing Community!”
What is the Preston Area Food Network (P.A.F.N.)? The Preston Area Food Network (P.A.F.N.) is a non-profit community-based operation offering access and awareness related to food security.
What is the Mission? Our primary mission is to help supply healthy food choices and education for the Black community. We are committed to addressing the social determinants of health in the Preston Township and the overall Black community through actions, partnerships, and initiatives.
Where will I volunteer? - You can volunteer at anyone of the Community shelve buildings. Stocking or as a greeter. The food sheds are located in Cherry Brook (beside the Cherry Brook United Baptist Church), North Preston (Preston Area Housing Building) and East Preston (next to the East Preston United Baptist Church).
What will it look like? As a valuable volunteer greeter you are there to welcome people with a smile and take note of the number of people who come in that day. You do not have to take the person around unless they ask you to. Respect their privacy and allow them to shop for what they need.
Who will let me in? We will have the entrance to the building equipped with a number pad. The Coordinator, peer support or designate will be there to welcome you and unlock the door. The large sign must be placed at the entrance indicating that the shed is open. The open sign is placed in the window
Will I work alone? - You will not work alone- We like to have two people working together if possible.
Dress code- We will provide you with a t-shirt to show you as a Preston Area Food Network volunteer. Wear comfortable clothes and nonslip footwear and please dress for the weather. Although these buildings will have heaters for the winter, you will be near the entrance.
Meals- because we are open over the lunch period- Please bring a lunch with you.
What are my shifts? - We are as flexible as you are- You get to pick the day and time that works best for you.
Can I sign up more often? - Yes, you may however depend on the number of volunteers, you may not get every shift that you have asked for.
But I am available more often or all month- Great! Please sign the list noted extras.
Who can access the Community Shelves? - Anyone with a need can access the Community Shelves, regardless of perceived income. We are not there to judge but to be a support for one another.
What else do I do? A binder will be available for you and your team member. Inside you will find a “Community Shelves Check List” form to sign in. This will be located in the binder provided long with a note pad to use to count the number of males and females who visit on any particular day. Please put the date and time on both the note pad and sign in sheet. Towards the end of your sift, you may check the shelves to check off the things that we need if time permits. Please ensure the door is locked behind you. It will lock automatically.
A person from the community comes in …What not to say? What are you doing here? I don’t blame you, get your stuff? Are you having a tough time? Do you work? I am sure you get the idea. We must be careful that our words do not cause someone to feel ashamed or embarrassed to be there. Keep your talk light, respectful and cheery at all times.
What is the hour of operation? – All locations are open for drop ins during the hours of 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Outside of these hours, please do not hesitate to reach out using the website or by calling us directly.
After hour service- We will also have after hour services available by telephone until 6 pm daily. Our contact information will be posted on the door and our website. This after-hours service is for those without transportation or those who have an urgent need. The Food Hub Coordinator or Community Peer Support will address these requests on an individual basis.
What if someone wants to pick up items for themselves and a family member? Kindly refer them to the Food Hub Coordinator 902-222 6470 or Community Peer Support 902 877-5827. Let them know that we will take care of that request.
What if someone needs more than one of the same items? –Sometimes, people will be allowed more than one of the same items. They will know that as the shelves will be clearly marked- max one, max up to three etc.
I am a volunteer, what if I need something? You are welcome to the same privilege as everyone else. However, keep in mind that same guidelines apply for amounts allowed.
What if someone wants to drop off food? Please thank them but inform them to first contact the food hub coordinator- There will be signage that says we do not accept food donations. Community organizations may have a food drive and donate the food. We do not take any donations monetary or otherwise at the door. The food hub coordinator OR Peer Support must clear it first. Please have them call the number provided.
What if someone wants to advertise their event and have a flyer? Kindly advise them that no advertising is allowed.
Bags- People can bring their own grocery bags when picking up items and donate grocery bags as well. We do keep a few at each location.
Shifts- What if I cannot do my shift? Call the Food hub coordinator or community Peer support as soon as you know that you will not be available for your shift. Arraignments will be made to have a replacement for that shift.
Washroom facilities- The Churches have kindly agreed to have their facilities open for the time you volunteer. Use the side or back entrance please. They are closest to the washroom. In North Preston you can use the washroom found in the Preston Area Housing building, first floor.
Where can we get more information? For more information about our programs and services please visit our website www.prestonfoodnetwork.com or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.